Office 365 Update Changes ‘Display Name’ on Required Fields

Observant SPServices user GregRT noticed something on Office365 today that I figured couldn’t be true. He posted the following in the discussions on the SPServices Codeplex site: FYI – I had left my debug on. Users were getting errors on there forms that a field could not be found by SPServices. MSFT has changed the…

Getting User Information with the SharePoint 2013 REST API

Sometimes the tiniest little throw-away comment on an article out there somewhere can prove useful to someone. Sometimes, it’s even a comment I’ve made. That’s Andrew “AC” Clark (@bitterac) who tweeted. I may get a club soda out of it, but at Andrew’s suggestion, I figured I’d put up a post as well. There’s far…

InfoPath Forms with Master Page Applied or Script Enabled

Say what you will about InfoPath. It’s a dead technology, it’s not getting any Microsoft love, it’s only for the wealthy (Forms Services is only available only in Enterprise -level CALs of SharePoint), it has no future. I’ve heard all of these and more. That said, it’s a pretty solid technology and works. We can…

MetaVis SharePoint MVP Webinars Series – Single-Page Applications (SPAs) in SharePoint Using SPServices

Thanks to all who attended the webinar that Dave Coleman (@davecoleman146) and I did today about Single-Page Applications (SPAs) in SharePoint Using SPServices. The webinar was based on my series here of the same name, so if you’re interested in more detail on how I go about building these things, give that a gander. Thanks…

jQuery Library for SharePoint Web Services (SPServices) 2013.02 Re-Released

Back on December 28, 2013, I released SPServices 2013.02, just squeaking in under the wire to be able to name it thusly. Soon after the release, Paul Tavares (@paul_tavares) and I noticed a few significant issues. These issues are fixed in 2013.02a. If you downloaded 2013.02, please replace it with 2013.02a. For the record, the issues…