Microsoft Cloud Show Episode 016 – Interview with Marc Anderson on Recent Changes Impacting Customers on Office 365

A few weeks back, I sat down (virtually, of course) with Andrew Connell (@AndrewConnell) and Chris Johnson (@LoungeFlyZ) to record an episode of the Microsoft Cloud Show. Andrew was in Florida, I was in Boston, and Chris was way around the world in New Zealand. Ah, the wonders of modern technology. The only place to…

KnockoutJS with SharePoint: Fixing ‘Error: You cannot apply bindings multiple times to the same element.’

I’ve been using KnockoutJS to build functionality into SharePoint pages for a while now. (In case you’ve ever wondered, yes, it’s the same thing people mean when they simply say “Knockout” or “KO”.) Setting everything up with KnockoutJS can take a bit longer than hard-wiring things with jQuery – depending on what you are trying…

jQuery Library for SharePoint Web Services (SPServices) 2014.01 Released

Hot on the heels of the short-lived SPServices 2013.02 and it’s younger, wiser sibling 2013.02a, comes SPServices 2014.01. I wanted to do a new release with some cool new functionality, but Microsoft really forced my hand with some changes to title attributes on some column types. (See: Office 365 Update Changes ‘Display Name’ on Required…

Getting Around SharePoint’s Threshold Limits for Large Reference Lists

In SharePoint 2007, we could build lists that contained as many items as we wanted and access them in any way we wanted. We may have done stupid things that were bad for server performance, but if we knew what we were doing there were few limits. We had the mythical “2000 item” rule of…

Testing Web Applications Using Spoon.Net’s Magic Browser Page

For quite a while now (my annual subscription is up for renewal soon), I’ve been using‘s virtualized browsers. I’ve tweeted about’s “magic browser page” many times, but I think it’s post-worthy. Not only are the virtualized browsers great for testing sites, they also really come in handy when I need to access a…