KnockoutJS – Creating a Comma-Delimited List of Values

I’ve been building a lot of great stuff with KnockoutJS lately. It seems that it can enable many – if not all – of the development requirements I have these days, whether I’m building a single-page application (SPA) or just adding a snippet of content to an existing page. I can even build KnockoutJS-enabled “Web…

WordPress and Blackbird Pie: “There was a problem connecting to Twitter”

I have been using WordPress longer than a lot of people. I think I first moved from Windows Live’s blogging platform to WordPress around 2007. Because I’ve been here a long time, I’ve got some plugins that have been around for a long time. One of those is the Twitter Blackbird Pie WordPress Plugin. The…

Harvey Balls Redux – Display Templates for Site Columns by Dave Paylor

It may surprise you to know that one of my most popular blog posts has nothing to do with SharePoint, knowledge management, performance improvement, jQuery, client side coding, SPServices, or anything else you might expect. It’s one I wrote years ago (June 17, 2009, to be exact) called Harvey Balls for Office Documents. I though it…