Upcoming Bonzai Intranets Webinar – Wednesday November 26th at 10am PST

My good friends at Dynamic Owl in Vancouver have been doing some amazing things of late. Not only are they some of the smartest people in SharePoint consulting, they have a relatively new product offering called Bonzai Intranet. Based on their years of consulting, the folks at Dynamic Owl realized that they had been building…


Dave Coleman, Men’s Health, Movember, and a Request

Last week the SharePoint community lost a valuable member and I lost a friend. Dave Coleman, who had been in and out of hospital since last year about this time, finally succumbed to cancer. Dave was a SharePoint Server MVP, active community member, and educator. He was also a husband, a father, a grandfather, and…

SPServices in the Office 365 Developer Podcast

Today Randy Drisgill (@drisgill) alerted me to the fact that Jeremy Thake (@jthake) and Steve Walker (@sharepointing) were talking about me in the Office 365 Developer Podcast: Episode 018 with Steve Walker on SharePoint UX developer guidance. While they do indeed say some very nice things about me (those payments to Redmond are working out),…