jQuery Library for SharePoint Web Services (SPServices) 2014.02 Released

Just in time for the holiday gift-giving season, I’m releasing SPServices 2014.02. This is the second release in 2014 (which you should be able to glean from the release name). If you’re using an earlier version of SPServices, I strongly recommend an upgrade. Read on. The most important change in this release is due to…

SPServices and Github – This Time I Mean It

I’ve had some false starts moving SPServices to Git and/or Github over the last few years. If it weren’t for Josh McCarty’s (@joshmcrty) help on every release, I wouldn’t even have gotten SPServices onto cdnjs, since they use Github. (Yes, SPServices is available via CDN at cdnjs and has been for several years now.) I’m…

SharePoint Forms and Workflow – A Different Perspective

Whenever I get into conversations about forms in SharePoint (or anywhere else for that matter), the conversation almost always turns immediately for workflow. It seems to greatly surprise a lot of people when I say that sometimes workflow is irrelevant for forms. I’d say that 80%+ of SharePoint forms have no workflow at all. (I…