Create a Simple SharePoint 2013 Employee Directory on Office365 – Part 2 – Set up an Employee Directory Page

The first step is, of course, to create a page where the Employee Directory will live. The approach we’re taking here is to use a page in the Search Site Collection in Office365. By default – at least in the tenants I’ve worked with – the Search Site Collection lives at https://[tenant name] This isn’t…

Don’t Use a Query String Parameter Called ID Unless You Mean the Item ID

The other day I got a question from my pal D’arce Hess (@DarceHess): I am using jsLink on a couple lists and I have an interesting circumstance I’m running into. Scenario: I have a list of Work Centers and each work center has associated machines that are in another list. I’m having an interesting situation…

Create a Simple SharePoint 2013 Employee Directory on Office365 – Part 1 – Introduction

Employee Directories are a common feature of most Intranets. In fact, I’m working on Employee Directories for two different clients right now. This is such a common need, that it’s firmly embedded in the fantastic work that my friends over at Dynamic Owl have built into their Bonzai Intranet product. We aren’t going to be…

SPServices Stories #22 : SPServices SharePoint Attachments in Internet Explorer 9

This entry is part 21 of 21 in the series SPServices Stories

Introduction This is another story I ran across on Twitter and wanted to add to the SPServices Stories series. I wrote about my own experience getting attachment uploading to work in my post Uploading Attachments to SharePoint Lists Using SPServices. My cheat in that case was to change the DOCTYPE to HTML5 in a SharePoint…