Get the InternalName for a SharePoint List Column

This comes up all the time in the SPServices Discussions on Codeplex. When you are making most Web services calls to SharePoint, you have to use the InternalName rather than the DisplayName. This is true whether you are using SPServices, CSOM, or REST. You may see the InternalName referred to as the StaticName as well….

Using RequireJS to Load the Right Version of jQuery Depending on Internet Explorer Version

Here’s a cool trick you can use with RequireJS. I found it in a post by @rnsloan called Conditionally Loading jQuery 2.x. Since environments with SharePoint can often have a mixed bag of browser versions, this conditional setting lets us load jQuery 2.x when the browser can handle it (generally IE 9+) or jQuery 1.x…

Create a Simple SharePoint 2013 Employee Directory on Office365 – Part 3 – Create Display Templates

In the prior two parts of the series, I covered the idea of an employee directory (or associate directory, or person directory, or whatever you call the people in your company/organization/commune) and how to create the basic page. Once again, I want to give credit to Ari Bakker’s (@aribakker) post that shows how to set…