New GitHub Repository for KnockoutJS Binding Handlers

Yesterday I created a new GitHub repo for KnockoutJS binding handlers for use with SharePoint. I’ve been using KnockoutJS for over a year now, and love working with it to build Single Page Application (SPAs) and other interactive functionality inside SharePoint. I thought starting a repo that could store bindingHandlers for KnockoutJS that are generally…

Using the SharePoint Color Palette Tool to Create Customized Composed Looks

At the great SharePoint Evolution Conference last week, someone – I wish I could remember what session it was! – mentioned this great little tool. It helps you to create a very detailed theme for SharePoint 2013. You can save the file into a .spcolor file, which you can upload to the Theme Gallery in…

Moving from SPServices to REST, Part 3: JSON vs. XML

This entry is part 3 of 6 in the series Moving from SPServices to REST

Summary: When you move from SOAP to REST, you’ll want to understand the differences between XML and JSON as well. Modern Web developers are most likely to use JSON, and this is a great time to switch. Most auto mechanics understand that there are several different measurement systems – and therefore toolsets – that they…

Moving from SPServices to REST, Part 2: New Patterns for SPServices Development

This entry is part 2 of 6 in the series Moving from SPServices to REST

Summary: You can improve your SPServices-based code today to prepare for converting to REST calls later. In this article, Marc introduces some new patterns for your JavaScript code to make SOAP calls easier to maintain and easier to move to REST when you decide it’s time. Remember that older car I drive? Well, over the…