Reasons to [Still] Love SharePoint’s SOAP Web Services

There are still reasons to love the SOAP Web Services (hopefully using SPServices!) even though they have been deprecated by Microsoft in SharePoint 2013 (and one can assume to upcoming SharePoint 2016) and SharePoint Online. There are times when the REST API just doesn’t provide functionality we need, and the SOAP Web Services are a…

Software Adoption: A People Problem, or A Technology Problem?

I was a guest recently on the TechnologyAdvice Expert Interview Series to share my thoughts on the intersection of sales, marketing, and technology. The series, which is hosted by TechnologyAdvice’s Josh Bland, explores a variety of business and technology landscapes through conversations with industry leaders. In this episode we discussed corporate cultures, global collaboration, and the upcoming…

Error Saving JavaScript Files to SharePoint Mapped Drive – Minor Version Overload

Error Saving JavaScript Files to SharePoint Mapped Drive – Minor Version Overload

This is a first. I was editing away in Sublime Text today and suddenly I couldn’t save my code to the mapped S: drive I was using in SharePoint 2013. S: is for SharePoint. Get it? The error message on the PC side wasn’t all that helpful, as one might expect. (Sorry for the crappy…

RequireJS Arrives in SharePoint Online Build 16.0.4230.1217 (Or Earlier?)

Ever watchful – and talented – guy that he is, my friend Paul Tavares (@paul_tavares) pinged me the other day on Twitter with a question. Hey. Question. On your O365, did you add RequireJS as a SOD? Noticed it was registered when I looked at the page code the other day. Paul has a Site Collection…