CollabTalk Episode 12: Top 10 2015 News and 2016 Predictions

We wrapped up our twelfth episode of CollabTalk for ITUnity yesterday, which means we’ve been at it for a full year now. Boy, how time flies! When I say we, I of course mean my illustrious friends Christian Buckley (@buckleyplanet), Naomi Moneypenny (@nmoneypenny), and Benjamin Niaulin (@bniaulin). Oh, and me. In this episode, we did something…

Moving from SPServices to REST, Part 6: Converting UpdateListItems to REST

This entry is part 6 of 6 in the series Moving from SPServices to REST

While the majority of calls using SOAP with SPServices use GetListItems to get items from lists, changing data with UpdateListItems is probably a close second. In this case, we’re altering data based on some user action. In a way, it’s like repainting your car (which I’ve never done). The shape and structure of the car…

Support Movember – In Memory of Dave Coleman and Men Everywhere

As Movember draws to a close and those of us in the USofA have given thanks for all we have, please consider donating to Movember. Movember isn’t just about raising money, but that’s one goal.  You can donate via my Movember page, or by finding others you may know who are participating. (Hint: they have unexpected…

The ‘MVP Thoughts’ Series – Live from Sharegate World Headquarters

Last month a handful of SharePoint and Office 365 MVPs (now Office Servers and Services MVPs, but who’s counting?) gathered at Sharegate‘s offices in Montreal to help them with their next series of Damn Simple videos. Stay tuned for those. After all the silliness – I mean serious cinematography – Jennifer Roth (@jennifermason), Corey Roth (@coreyroth), Fabian…