Find All the Stream (Classic) Web Parts During Migration to Stream in SharePoint

Another day, another opportunity to spackle the walls of SharePoint where there’s a hole. Wouldn’t it be great if you could go somewhere in the SharePoint Admin Center to see all the places you’ve used a particular Web Part in pages? Well, you can’t, so PowerShell. PnP.PowerShell, in fact. You may be considering migrating your…

Taking Advantage of the Content Type Inheritance Model in SharePoint

In my recent post Using Content Types in SharePoint’s Site Pages Library, I mentioned using interstitial Content Types, but didn’t explain what I meant. Taking advantage of the Content Type hierarchy is an important part of a powerful information architecture, regardless whether you’re working with documents, list items, pages, etc. I’ve talked about this in…

Using Content Types in SharePoint’s Site Pages Library

In a modern SharePoint site, we only get one Site Pages library. We can’t create additional libraries which contain aspx pages which act like that special Site Pages library. If we could, we could meet a whole lot of interesting use cases, but it’s not an option. One thing we *can* do is add additional…

Creating Custom Content Types for Stream in SharePoint

Recently, I wanted to create some new Content Types for videos in a SharePoint site. In the old days, we would inherit from the Video Content Type and create our own variations on that theme, maybe Company Meeting Recording, or Team Meeting, whatever “flavors” of Video we might have. I admit that thinking preceded the…

Additional RefinableString* Managed Property Variants in the Search Schema in SharePoint Online

It would seem like the simplest thing in the world: show results in the PnP Modern Search Results Web Part in alphabetical order. My wanting to do this led to multiple conversations with my search guru Mikael Svenson (@mikaelsvenson) and the uncovering of some really useful variants on RefinableString in the SharePoint Online Managed Properties….

SharePoint Location Columns – Too Meh for Recommendation

SharePoint Location columns have some issues which are pervasive and repeatable. One of the purportedly biggest benefits of using one of these columns is we can type in an address, and it’s looked up in Bing Maps. What’s supposed to happen is the details of that location are then parsed out and made available for…

Fixes for a Washed-Out Screen While Sharing in Teams Meetings

Lately, every time I have shared my screen on a Teams Meeting with other Sympraxians, they have told me my screen looks awful and I should stop sharing. It sounded unpleasant, but I couldn’t see what they were seeing. Today, with help from the awesome Emily Mancini (@eemancini), I figured out the issue. From a…