Where’s the Darn Permission Roles Page?!?!?

This is a little one, but a time saver all the same.  I can never seem to find the “right” navigational route to the page which shows the permission levels (I think of them as roles and the page name backs me up!) in SharePoint.  It’s the page at /_layouts/role.aspx.  So: http://[yourservername]/_layouts/role.aspx From this page,…

SharePoint Saturday Boston – March 14, 2009

Another name drop and tip ‘o the hat to Mauro Cardarelli for bringing this one to my attention.  SharePoint Saturday is coming to Boston.  I’m going to see if I can’t get in as a speaker to talk about my SharePoint Designer DVWP stuff.  Working title: Developing with SharePoint Designer: The Middle Tier, Focus on Data…

PerformancePoint Moving into the SharePoint World

My colleague Mauro Cardarelli posted about this the other day: By now, you have probably heard about Microsoft’s decision on the future of PerformancePoint Server (Microsoft Business Intelligence Announcement Q&A).  Kudos to friend Chris Webb for breaking the news… at least to me! For PerformancePoint jocks, this is probably bad news, but as a SharePoint…