My Blog’s First Year at WordPress and "Are You Being Served?"

On the occasion of my blogs’ first birthday here at WordPress (it’s longer in the tooth than that, but I migrated over from Windows Live Spaces on 2009-01-06), I wanted to have a party, but that seemed excessive.  Instead, in an a propos coincidence, I saw a post over at my friend Christophe’s fantastic Path…

Revived Stump the Panel: SharePoint Q&A at

There’s a new, revived Stump the Panel over at as of today.  Those of you who follow EndUserSharePoint (@EUSP) know about the difficulties they had last month when their hosting provider shut them down due to high trafiic.  (Sort of a good *and* bad problem to have!) Well, Stump the Panel is back with a…

Putting the Brakes on SharePoint with jQuery – Or Not (Some More)

 eshupps 10:01am, Dec 29 from TweetDeck “Sigh – Nobody listens. #jquery isn’t small or efficient. It’s still thousands of lines of javascript behind the scenes people!” Actually, Eric, because I’m listening, I feel another need to respond! In my previous response (Putting the Brakes on SharePoint with jQuery – Or Not) to the views on…