Unlocking the Mysteries of Data View Web Part XSL Tags – Part 20 – <xsl:import>

This entry is part 20 of 21 in the series Unlocking the Mysteries of Data View Web Part XSL Tags

Cross-posted from EndUserSharePoint.com… Whoa, Bessie! I forgot about one of the most useful XSL tags for Data View Web Parts (DVWPs)!  <xsl:import> allows you to be highly modular in storing your XSL templates for reuse.  I mentioned this back in Part 13 briefly, but I should go into it in some more detail.  This post…

What About Anonymous Writes to SharePoint Lists with Web Services? – Follow Up

In my post What About Anonymous Writes to SharePoint Lists with Web Services? the other day, I wondered why the SharePoint Web Services don’t allow anonymous updates to SharePoint lists through the Web Services, even when anonymous write access is enabled on those lists. Since then, I’ve gotten two independent answers that tell me that it just…

Unlocking the Mysteries of Data View Web Part XSL Tags – Part 19 – Miscellaneous – More Math / Number Functions

This entry is part 19 of 21 in the series Unlocking the Mysteries of Data View Web Part XSL Tags

Cross-posted from EndUserSharePoint.com… In the last article, I covered some of the XPath Math / Number functions; in this one, I’ll cover the rest. The first set included the ones that I considered somewhat tricky, and the ones in this article ought to be more straightforward. One thing that I forgot to mention in the…

What About Anonymous Writes to SharePoint Lists with Web Services?

Here’s the nut of the question.  SharePoint’s Web Services fall into two main classes: those that read (generally Get* methods) and those that write. Others don’t really make sense unless you are authorized, like the Users and Groups Web Service. In situations where you are allowing Anonymous Access, it makes perfect sense to be able…