The Middle Tier Manifesto: An Alternative Approach to Development with Microsoft SharePoint

For some time now, I’ve felt the need to set down my thoughts on the power of development in the Middle Tier for SharePoint.  Today, I’m publishing the first edition of my white paper The Middle Tier Manifesto: An Alternative Approach to Development with Microsoft SharePoint.  I say ‘first edition’ because the days of spending…

Upcoming Speaking Dates and Courses: SPSDC, SPTechCon, and USPJA

Over the last week, my submissions have been accepted for two large, impressive SharePoint events. (They impress me, anyway!)  I’m also looking forward to the launch of the USPJA Academy. SharePoint Saturday DC First up is SharePoint Saturday DC (#SPSDC). On May 15th at the the NVCC Community Cultural Center in Annandale, VA, I’ll be speaking on How…

jQuery Library for SharePoint Web Services v0.5.4 Released

I released v0.5.4 of the jQuery Library for SharePoint Web Services (SPServices) last Friday, April 9.  There were quite a few important changes in the library in this release, as well as a nice new function, $().SPServices.SPAutocomplete. Before this release, there were issues with the $().SPServices.SPRedirectWithID function in MOSS.  It had been hard to nail…