Unlocking the Mysteries of the SharePoint Data View Web Part XSL Tags eBook Now Available

This entry is part 21 of 21 in the series Unlocking the Mysteries of Data View Web Part XSL Tags

Starting today, my series of articles on Unlocking the Mysteries of the SharePoint Data View Web Part XSL Tags from my blog and EndUsersharePoint.com is available for download as an eBook from the Sympraxis Consulting Web site.  I’ve had many requests to “bind this content up” into a book or eBook, so I did just that….

Fancy Check Boxes and Radio Buttons for SharePoint

Saturday, I saw this tweet from my pal Michael Greene (@webdes03): I usually look at what Michael retweets, and this one was intriguing. The link took me to Fancy checkboxes and radio buttons by Marko Dugonjić, a web professional from Velika Gorica, Croatia. In the article, Marko showed a deceptively simple, but very nice looking, way…