A Codeplex-like Site for "End User SharePoint"-like Solutions?

Yesterday, I saw a tweet from Joel Ward which immediately got my attention:   Joel and I went back and forth on Twitter for a while. The gist of the conversation was: What is the best game in town for tools and tricks for end users (Obvious answer: EndUserSharePoint.com) and would a repository of the…

MSDN Forum Jam 2010

Better late than never to post about this, I suppose.  Chris Givens set up a great challenge on the MSDN Forums for SharePoint which ended on April 29. You can read about it here and here.  We tweeted about it with the hashtag #forumjam2010. Once the results were all in, I came in second.  Sure, I…

Thoughts on the Upcoming USPJ Academy – Why Bother?

It’s Friday, and the weekend is coming. As I wax lyrically on the fun we will have this weekend with the party for my son’s sixth birthday, I had some thoughts about the upcoming USPJ Academy (USPJA) I wanted to share.  (Weekends for a couple who both run home-based businesses aren’t so weekend-y, actually.  Try…

Populating a SharePoint List Form with the Current User Information

Laura Rogers (aka @WonderLaura) posted a neato way to populate a list form with the current user’s information today in her post SharePoint List Form – Default User Information. As I always say to Laura, it’s amazing how many different ways there are to do something in SharePoint! I would probably do it differently, but…