Where Does the “There are no items to show in this view” Text Come from in a DVWP?

I got a question via email today, the answer to which seemed generally useful: While you’re not as cool as Old Spice guy (sorry, nobody is that cool) you are the uber CQWP guy. Enough ego stroking this morning? Anyways, quick question. Any idea how to display a custom message in the CQWP when you…

Dynamic Loading of jQuery Libraries

I’ve been going back and forth with my pals @jbhoward (Jim Bob Howard),  @iOnline247(Matt Bramer), and @webdes03(Michael Greene) today about how best to dynamically load jQuery libraries.  We were all interested in the possibility of determining on the fly whether to load the jQuery library itself conditionally from an external CDN (like the Google Ajax…

Displaying the First N Words of Announcement Bodies with XSL in a DVWP

I got a ping yesterday from someone who had come across one of my old posts about Displaying the First N Words of a Long Rich Text Column with XSL. While the bits and pieces are there in the post, without a decent knowledge of XSL, it wasn’t obvious to them how you’d actually using the XSL templates. …