jQuery Library for SharePoint Web Services (SPServices) v0.5.8 Released

Earlier today I released SPServices v0.5.8. The headlines for this release are: more operations, including the first SharePoint 2010 (SP2010) only operation, and a new function, SPUpdateMultipleListItems. SocialDataService The Social Data Service Web Service is the first SP2010-only Web Service I’ve added to SPServices. This Web Service allows you to interact with the new social…

Building a New SharePoint 2010 Virtual Machine from Scratch – Even I Can Do It

<UPDATE DateTime=”2010-11-18 10:36:00 EST”>  Based on feedback from many people here and on Twitter, I’ve decided to build out my VM using Andrew Connell’s instructions. All of the admin types who have seen what I’m doing keep telling me things like “Well, if you want to do certain things down the road…” or “That’s not…

How Does the “All People” View Work in SharePoint?

I got a question today from someone at one of my clients about how the All People page works. This is the page found at: http://[ServerName]/[SiteCollectionRoot]/[SubSitePath]/_layouts/people.aspx?MembershipGroupId=0 Here’s the question: I’ve noticed that in the All People page of my department site, accessible from the People And Groups section, some users are listed with the Created…