Are Ampersands Stored Differently in SharePoint 2010 Than SharePoint 2007? – Part 2

Yesterday I posted Are Ampersands Stored Differently in SharePoint 2010 Than SharePoint 2007? This one has really gotten me interested. I decided to try calling the Lists Web Service with SPServices to see if there’s a difference in what is returned for the exact same items in SharePoint 2007 versus SharePoint 2010 (post upgrade). Here’s what I…

IT’s Relationship with SharePoint Users: Search and Destroy vs. Nurture

In my conversations with IT departments about how SharePoint is used in their organizations, the topic of old and/or dormant sites almost always comes up. The IT way to think about this is to immediately bring up ideas like “archive” or “delete”. We can get that disk space back! Our job will get easier! I…

Are Ampersands Stored Differently in SharePoint 2010 Than SharePoint 2007?

I’ve always prided myself in building Data View Web Parts (DVWPs) that are bulletproof, meaning they will run and render no matter what. However, I ran into something today which gives me pause. The setup on this is a little complicated, so bear with me. In SharePoint 2007, if you have a Lookup column which is based…