My Links: What Determines the Links I See in My SharePoint Sites?

My Links in SharePoint is something that either no one uses or everyone uses; I rarely see any middle ground. In case you aren’t familiar with My Links, you get to them by clicking on the My Links link in the header of most pages in SharePoint, as highlighted below. (My Links is available in…

New Version of SPDisposeCheck and SharePoint Visio Stencils

I spotted a couple of things out in the InterWebs yesterday that I thought would be of general interest. First, there’s a new version of SPDisposeCheck. The announcement of this over on Roger Lamb’s SharePoint Developer Blog gives a good overview of the changes. Specifically: SPDisposeCheck is a tool that helps developers and administrators check…

SharePoint Magazine Relaunched

Earlier this year, SharePoint Magazine became a part of the USPJ Academy family. Yesterday, we relaunched a revamped SharePoint Magazine on a more robust platform (it’s still WordPress at its core) along with some fresh content. We’re looking for some authors to join us. If you’ve ever considered joining the SharePoint writing community, this might…