I’m Speaking at the SharePoint Conference .ORG in Baltimore, March 6-9

Next month, I will be speaking at the SharePoint Conference .ORG 2011 in Baltimore (March 6-9).  My session is called, “Enhancing the User Experience with jQuery”. I’ve done this session quite a few times, but it’s never the same twice. It’s all demo, and I’ll be showing some of the old stuff, specifically SPServices form…

SPServices’ Load on the Browser for SPGetCurrentUser

Sometimes I catch a tweet out of the corner of my eye and feel a need to comment back and sometimes 140 characters isn’t really enough for me to fulminate with. http://twitter.com/#!/rolandbouman/status/30614787268280321 Well, yes, but maybe no. If the only thing you’re loading jQuery and SPServices for is to get the current user’s identity, then…

SPServices: SocialDataService Web Service and Anonymous Access

Today is “SPServices and anonymous mode” day around these parts, it seems. I figure I’ll keep the posts coming on these topics today because for some reason I’ve gotten a string of questions about it. Here’s another question, edited a little bit to work here on the blog: We have built a web part that…

SPServices: SPRedirectWithID in Anonymous Mode – Nope, Won’t Work

I got a question about the SPServices function SPRedirectWithID via email yesterday, and it seemed like it would be good to answer it in a blog post. The idea behind SPRedirectWithID is to allow you to redirect the user to some other page from a NewForm, with the new item’s ID on the Query String….