Updated SharePoint 2010 Certifications for SPServices

I just went through all of the “value-added” functions in SPServices and updated their certifications for SharePoint 2010. They were really behind the times and many were incorrect. Almost everything works great in SharePoint 2010, though there are a few functions that have some caveats. I wanted to make these updates as part of getting ready for…

Active Directory Groups vs. SharePoint Groups for User Management: The Denouement

Last week I did a post about when you might decide to use Active Directory groups versus SharePoint groups. It was less about managing the security, and more about understanding the membership of the groups. I got a *lot* of comments, emails, tweets, grumbles, and groans about the post. This seems to be a really common…

Using SPServices to Get the Display Names for a SharePoint List’s Content Types – Follow Up

A couple of weeks ago I got a question from my pal Tasha Scott (@TashasEv) about how to find the DisplayName of a Content Type on a NewForm. At the end of the code in that post, I had the comment: Well, it turned out that the “do something” that Tasha wanted was to display that…