Popfly Update

I continue to be intrigued by Popfly, Microsoft’s "mashup engine" (for lack of a better label): Popfly is the fun, easy way to build and share mashups, gadgets, Web pages, and applications. Popfly consists of two parts: 1 Popfly Creator is a set of online visual tools for building Web pages and mashups. 2 Popfly…

No More GotDotNet

After a few weeks away in France and Spain, I’m back and trawling the Web for answers to unique and diverse questions from our clients.  Today I read that one of the Microsoft Web sites that I’ve found useful over the years is being phased out: GotDotNet.com.  You can read the details here. We are phasing…

Uploading Multiple Documents to a SharePoint Document Library

There are times when you want to upload multiple documents to a SharePoint Document Library.  There are two places where you can specify this; one works, the other doesn’t (at least for me)… If you choose Upload Document, and then click the "Upload Multiple Files…" link (see below), you get the browser to specify the…

Tzunami Deployer

All of us SharePoint junkies want to see more SharePoint usage out there.  I had the chance this week to use the Tzunami Deployer to move content from an EMC eRoom environment into SharePoint.  It’s a slick tool that allows you to move entire structures, content, and security from one environment to the other. The Deployer also can…