Mini Interview with Christian Glessner About SPServices

<UPDATE dateTime=”2011-04-27 14:36EDT”>Ooops. I misspoke when I said “that SPServices was the number one Codeplex project at the time”. It was the number one *SharePoint* project. Big difference!</UPDATE> While I was away lazing on a beach, Christian Glessner posted an interview-let he did with me in a very noisy place deep in the bowels of…

Collecting Souls: Knowing Your Social Media Strategy – Part Three

When I first started using the nascent Internet back in 1992 (How many of you were even alive – or at least out of Legos – by then? Raise ’em up!), there was little I could do to interact with it. Most content was static and commenting barely existed. There were very few “publishers”, and…