Book Review: “Beginning SharePoint 2010 Administration” by Göran Husman and Christian Ståhl

The actual title of this book is the somewhat long "Beginning SharePoint 2010 Administration: Windows SharePoint Foundation 2010 and Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010".  Christian and I have chatted back and forth many times on Twitter and via our blogs, etc., and he offered me a free copy (Yes, Mr. FTC Man, a free copy.) back…

Getting Good Answers to Your SharePoint Questions

This post was cross-posted on on 4 May, 2011. When someone new contacts me through my blog with a question about SharePoint, I’m usually game to help. (Though saying *please* is always a really nice thing. “You have to tell me…” or “give me the answer now…” isn’t so great.) If you contact me…

Twitterview About Developing in SharePoint’s Middle Tier with the SPTechCon Folks Today

I’m still not sure I’m sold on the whole Twitterview concept, but it seems to be an idea that is catching on out there, as I’ve seen two others going on in the last few days. What I *can* say is that it’s always fun to interact with the good folks at BZ Media who…

SPServices, XML, JSON, and REST–Thoughts?

Over the last few months, I’ve had a couple of requests for SPServices to emit JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) in addition to Extensible Markup Language (XML). This is probably a natural progression, as SharePoint developers are becoming more familiar with the JSON approach, which IMO has been traditionally known far better by Web developers. In my…