Firing an Event When a User Selects a Value from a Data View Web Part Dropdown

I was skimming my old postings, and I realized that in a previous post, I had said that I would post about firing an event when a user selects a value from a DVWP dropdown.  Better late than never, I guess. When you create a dropdown type of DVWP through the UI in SharePoint Designer, the…

Parsing Dates Into Archive Buckets in a Calculated Column in SharePoint

I needed to put sets of news articles into buckets in a list so that I could allow users to filter based on the time period in which the articles were published.  To do this, I created a calculated column as a Site Column (for reusability). Column name: Archive Period Calculation: =IF([Publish Date]<([Today]-365),”Year” & TEXT(YEAR([Publish…

Telerik RADEditor: “Link” vs. “link” in ListToolsFile.xml

The Telerik RADEditor for MOSS is a great add-on that provides enhanced Rich Text Editing within MOSS.  (See my previous post: Telerik RADEditor for SharePoint 2007 (MOSS)) One of the nice features of the RADEditor is a tool that provides a list of Custom Links from which a user can choose to insert their links. …