Can You Enhance the "Export to Spreadsheet" Action for SharePoint Lists?

I got an interesting question today from the InterTubes, and I though it would make a good post. [Do you] you know of any resources/solutions to enhance the List’s “Export to Spreadsheet” function so that, once the data is opened in Excel, something would trigger VBA Macro(s) to start formatting the spreadsheet. “Export to Spreadsheet”…

Elevating Permissions with SharePoint’s Web Services

I get frequent questions about how to elevate permissions when working with the SharePoint Web Services. The answer on this one is really simple: you can’t.This has come up multiple times in the comments on the survey I’m doing about SPServices right now. Yes, right now! Please fill it out if you haven’t already, and…

Setting a Rich Text Column in a SharePoint Form with jQuery

Over in the SPServices Discussions, @PirateEric was having a problem setting the value of a Rich Text column (RTE) in a SharePoint form. He was referring to my blog post Finding the Contents of a SharePoint Rich Text Column with jQuery – And Changing It, which I’ll stand by, but the jQuery there wasn’t cutting it….