It’s World IPv6 Day!

It’s World IPv6 Day today! From Just Another WordPress Weblog: What’s IPv6? For those of you who don’t know, IPv6 is the next-generation Internet protocol, which offers a large number of IP addresses, 296 (= 79228162514264337593543950336) times of what IPv4 has to offer. A typical IPv6 address looks like 2001:db8:cafe::1, compared to an IPv4 address…

Display All Related Tasks for a SharePoint Workflow Using jQuery, SPServices, and jQueryUI

This was a fun one to build. A client wanted to be able to see all of the related tasks for a workflow without having to do the two or more clicks it can take to get there using a standard SharePoint list view. By layering jQuery, SPServices, and jQueryUI, we were able to display the information in a…