jQuery Library for SharePoint Web Services (SPServices) v0.6.2 Released

OK Go released a new album yesterday (180/360, and it’s great – go buy it!) so I figured I’d better release a new version of SPServices. Those guys shouldn’t have anything on me. My release isn’t live, but it’ll do new cool stuff in your live SharePoint pages. But enough tomfoolery. Yesterday  (June 21), I…

"One of the most impressive web pages I have ever seen in SharePoint"

Several people have asked me what I showed Dan Antion last week which caused him to say “Marc began by showing us one of the most impressive web pages I have ever seen in SharePoint.” I’m not sure that it was actually all *that* impressive (I have better!) but it does do some pretty cool…

Consultant Chronicles Podcast on SharePoint Middle Tier Development

Last week, while I was in Connecticut working with Dan Antion’s team, I was able to meet Mark Thompson (@MCTSMark) and Bill Kelly, who run the blog Consultant Chronicle. Mark and Bill are aiming to build readership amongst consultants and practitioners in the general technology space. Or, as their subtitle says “Building a community to…