Microsoft 365 Community Docs: Call for Content
Hey, conferences have Calls for Content. Why shouldn’t the Microsoft 365 Community Docs have a CfC?

In case you haven’t heard about it, the Microsoft 365 Community Docs is a community-driven effort under the Microsoft PnP auspices. We’ve created a publishing platform for all the great community members out there.
FYI: I wrote about the repo last year under its old name sp-usage-docs in my post New sp-usage-docs PnP Repository. This is a continuation of the same idea, and is now publishing to
Microsoft works hard at and writes excellent documentation on many levels, but there have always been gaps. We aren’t aiming to replace any of the Microsoft documentation; we’re aiming to augment it. As people who work with Microsoft 365 products and services every day, we sometimes have insights which Microsoft doesn’t have.
The Microsoft 365 Community Docs are aimed at makers: citizen developers, site administrators, power users, and business users who want to see the possibilities.
Have you ever said any of these things to yourself? If so, the Microsoft 365 Community Docs may be something for you to take a look at and /or contribute to.
Gee, I wish there was something that described…
If you can’t find a document that covers a topic you’d really like to understand better, make an article suggestion.
I’ll bet someone else could benefit from me writing this up…
If you’ve figured something out that you think others might also be struggling with, consider writing it up for inclusion in the Microsoft 365 Community Docs.
Many people have their own blogs. Even if you post something to your own blog, consider contributing it to the Microsoft 365 Community Docs to give it wider exposures and a longer life.
What the heck does that term/acronym/initialization/phrase/thingamajig mean?
There’s a glossary and a set of basic definitional articles in the repo. Consider it a go to location to find quick answers. See something missing? Add and issue with a suggestion.
I’m always wondering how other people use the platform…
I like to learn from others…
Stay in the loop by following the #M365CommunityDocs hashtag on Twitter. Bookmark the link Join the PnP calls, where we will be giving credit to contributors and highlighting new content.
However you’d like to interact with the Microsoft 365 Docs is fine. If you have ideas or would like to contribute some content, please respond to this Call for Content by visiting the Github repo and adding an issue, responding to an issue, or even just reading through the Getting Started articles in the Wiki. I look forward to seeing you…
Want to learn more? Check out this demo I did on the bi-weekly Microsoft 365 – General M365 development Special Interest Group (SIG) community call recorded on April 30, 2020.
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