Inconvenient Microsoft Teams Authentication Error – Resolution
A few weeks ago, I started having problems logging into Microsoft Teams in my browser and in a Progressive Web App tethered to the same profile. The profile was my main one with my Sympraxis account, so I knew it wasn’t an actual access issue. It had to be something more insidious.
If you aren’t sure what a Progressive Web App is, check out Todd Klindt’s (@toddklindt) useful post on the topic: Installing Web Apps on Chromium Edge.
As a needy community member, I posted the issue on Twitter to see if it was something others had seen.
The Microsoft Teams folks got back to me, helpfully.
Unfortunately, the troubleshooting articles they pointed me to didn’t seem to cover my situation. Here’s what was happening.
Whenever I would try to log into Teams with my Sympraxis account – whether in Edge Chromium (Chredge – my main browser) or Chrome, I would first get this message…

..and then usually this message…

…and then I’d basically be caught in a never ending loop hopping between them with each login attempt.
I never found an article or anything that talked about how to solve this one, but I’m proud of myself for figuring it out on my own!
In Chredge, you can go to the cookie settings by putting this into the address bar: edge://settings/siteData?search=cookie
On that page, search for login, and you ought to see

By deleting those cookies (by clicking on the garbage can next to the item), you’ll clear your tokens for any Microsoft 365 (nee Office 365) logins you might have. Note that I have 14!
After clearing those cookies, I was all set: no more inconvenient authentication loops.
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