SharePoint Conference .ORG Reston 2014 Wrap Up
I want to thank everyone in the SharePoint practice at Protiviti for another stellar SharePoint Conference .ORG. This was one of the first “big time” conferences at which I was asked to speak four years ago, and it’s always one of my favorites. The Protiviti folks are some of the nicest and most talented people in SharePointLandia.
On Sunday, Kyle Schaeffer (@kyleschaeffer) and I did a workshop on SharePoint 2013 Branding & Responsive Design. Just being in the room with Kyle is an honor; having the opportunity to teach with him is truly a joy. We’ll be repeating our act at the Dallas incarnation of the conference in October.
For the main part of the conference, I talked about Creating a Great User Experience in SharePoint. My slides for the session are available on SlideShare, and also embedded below.
[slideshare id=34905108&doc=sharepointconference-140520091106-phpapp02]
Finally, here’s a photo of the five SharePoint MVPs who spoke at the conference. I’m in some truly esteemed company here, from left to right: Liam Cleary (@helloitsliam), me, Benjamin Naiulin (@bniaulin), Dan Usher (@binarybrewery), and Doug Hemminger (@DougHemminger).