Sympraxis’ SharePoint Client Side Development Pipeline – Where Should We Put Our Stuff?

This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series Sympraxis Client Side Development Pipeline

As I mentioned in my previous post, when Julie Turner (@jfj1997) joined Sympraxis, we quickly realized we needed to get smarter about managing our code and our overall development process. One of the first things Julie and I discussed was where we should store our code. Even way back before SharePoint entered my life, I’ve…

Sympraxis’ SharePoint Client Side Development Pipeline – Introduction

This entry is part 1 of 2 in the series Sympraxis Client Side Development Pipeline

As promised in our August Sympraxis Newsletter, Julie and I wanted to start a new blog series to explain our new SharePoint client side development pipeline. We’ll each put our own spin on the idea, as our ways of thinking, backgrounds, and blog focuses are a bit different (but totally compatible!), so be sure to…

SPServices into 2016!

Over the break, I managed to get SPServices up and running on GitHub. You may wonder what that means and why it matters. When I started moving SPServices away from Codeplex, it was due to several things: Codeplex seems to be dying a whimpering death. Microsoft is clearly not maintaining it anymore, and its tech…

New GitHub Repository for KnockoutJS Binding Handlers

Yesterday I created a new GitHub repo for KnockoutJS binding handlers for use with SharePoint. I’ve been using KnockoutJS for over a year now, and love working with it to build Single Page Application (SPAs) and other interactive functionality inside SharePoint. I thought starting a repo that could store bindingHandlers for KnockoutJS that are generally…