SharePoint Lists & Libraries: Modern vs. Classic View Settings

SharePoint lists & libraries: we all love ’em. With multiple views, they are like little apps. [Why the heck do lists have a brand and logo but libraries don’t? And why aren’t the two just considered simply variations on a concept by Microsoft?] Do you find yourself using both the modern & classic view settings?…

Dear Microsoft: Confusing Failures in “Modern” SharePoint Libraries

Moving documents around in the “modern” Document Libraries in SharePoint Online (Office 365) has certainly gotten easier. Instead of opening libraries in File Explorer, downloading the files, and then uploading them into the new location, we have nice options like Move to, Copy To, and Rename right in the toolbar. That’s a big upside. Sadly,…

Reconciling Changes While Moving Content in SharePoint – “Flat” Views

Lots of times when I’m working on a content migration in SharePoint – almost always with Sharegate! – some stuff happens. Probably the most common thing is that someone edits content in the old location before we manage to shut off permissions. People – yeesh! Here’s a little trick that not a lot of people…

Dear Microsoft: Please Listen to Us About the New Document Library “Experience”

One of the latest hubbubs in the Office 365 world is around the new Document Library “experience”. (I refuse to use the word “experience” in this sort of context without a little sarcasm and some air quotes.) There’s a new “experience” coming to Office 365 that makes Document Libraries look a lot like the OneDrive…