Where’s My SharePoint Site? Ask the `AAD to SharePoint Sync` User

Where’s My SharePoint Site? Ask the `AAD to SharePoint Sync` User

Today one of my clients had a problem. One of her SharePoint sites was missing. She found it in Deleted sites in the SharePoint Admin Center. Restoring the site from the Deleted sites is an easy fix, of course: she had already done that on her own. But none of the Site Owners or Site…

Goals for your IT Team When They Free Up Time Through Automation

Back in October, I was lucky enough to visit my friends at ShareGate, along with fellow MVPs Jasper Oosterveld (@jappie1981) and Maarten Eekels (@maarteneekels) We had several conversations with ShareGate’s Laurent St. Pierre (@laurent_sp), and those were recorded and released as a series of videos: The evolution of IT: Improving digital employee experience to boost…

Dear Microsoft: In Office 365, Groups are Groups are Groups – Unless They Aren’t

One of the problems with using common English words for things like “groups” or “teams” is that we end up trying to figure out the difference between things with very common names. When Sue Hanley (@susanhanley) and I were building our session Lions and Tigers and Teams, Oh My! – Sorting through the options to…